You can now recategorize a response and its follow-up response together at the same time!
We built this feature for two main use cases highlighted in the image below:
- Someone writes into Other 'SmartLess Podcast', now you can recategorize the Other response to Response = 'Podcast' and Follow-Up Response = 'SmartLess'
- Someone answers YouTube and then writes in 'SmartLess Podcast' to 'Where on YouTube?' To measure your marketing efforts more accurately, you want this response to show under 'Podcast', now you can recategorize these responses to Response = 'Podcast' and Follow-Up Response = 'SmartLess'
By recategorizing your data (at both levels!), you can recover write in data from Other and reorganize the response data to match how you measure your marketing efforts. Read more in our documentation here.
🔎 Navigate to Analytics >> Responses to check it out