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Our already loved targeting by products purchased feature got an upgrade! You can now target by products
purchased (exclude specific products). Want to know why a customer
buy a specific product? Now you can get answers and feedback instantly! Read more in our documentation here.
🔎 Navigate to your Question Edit form to check it out!
Fairing POS UI Extensions are now live. The new POS Extensions allow for a more integrated survey experience on Shopify POS.
If you are currently using POS Links you will have to migrate to POS Extensions by February 28th, when Shopify deprecates them.
To migrate to POS Extensions, follow the steps listed here.
Screenshot 2025-02-27 at 10
You can now easily duplicate a question by clicking More Actions -> Duplicate in your Question Stream. This is great if you're setting up similar questions for different markets or use-cases.
After duplicating, you'll be taken to the edit page where you can save your new question.
duplicate a question
You can now easily scan your Question Stream to see which questions are targeted by:
If your questions are targeted at all geo locations or all products (the default), the targeting options will not show on your Question Stream to keep your view clean of unnecessary clutter.
Disable (hide) a response option from your front end Question Stream display. Tailor what response options your customers see to align with your current marketing efforts. If you start advertising on the channel again in the future - add it back to the question with one click! Read more in our documentation here.
🔎 Navigate to your Question Edit form to check it out!
You can now recategorize a response and its follow-up response together at the same time!
We built this feature for two main use cases highlighted in the image below:
  1. Someone writes into Other 'SmartLess Podcast', now you can recategorize the Other response to Response = 'Podcast' and Follow-Up Response = 'SmartLess'
  2. Someone answers YouTube and then writes in 'SmartLess Podcast' to 'Where on YouTube?' To measure your marketing efforts more accurately, you want this response to show under 'Podcast', now you can recategorize these responses to Response = 'Podcast' and Follow-Up Response = 'SmartLess'
By recategorizing your data (at both levels!), you can recover write in data from Other and reorganize the response data to match how you measure your marketing efforts. Read more in our documentation here.
🔎 Navigate to Analytics >> Responses to check it out
The new Columns button in Analytics houses some exciting new functionality:
  • Toggle columns on/off from your Analytics table view
  • The browser will remember the state of which columns you have turned on/off (as long as you don't clear your cookies) to allow each Fairing user to save their own preferred Analytics table view
  • A handful of new columns have been added under the 'Show original' toggle. These new columns allow you to compare your response data before and after recategorizing it to understand which channels saw the biggest lifts - see a more in our documentation here.
🔎 Navigate to Analytics to take a look
Other response metrics are now available at a quick glance along with your top line response metrics. Clean up your Other responses with our Response Recategorization feature to reallocate revenue dollars to existing response options for more accurate measurement.
🔎 Navigate to Analytics to take a look
Already available for top level responses, you can now also access the Insights reports for follow up responses to compare responses against Last Click UTMs and Discount Codes.
Gain deeper insights on attribution and the success of specific marketing strategies.
🔎 Navigate to Analytics >> Insights to check it out
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