
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


You can now add Images and CTA buttons in your Checkout Extensibility Success Message for additional brand flare! Update your Checkout Extensibility Success Message right in the Shopify Checkout editor. The Thank You Page and Order Status Page Success Messages must be configured separately.
Read more about Shopify Checkout Extensibility here.
The new Insights tab offers two new reports: the Discount Code Report and the Last Click Report. The reports join available Question Stream response data with last click and discount code data to provide insights on attribution, the success of marketing channels, and the potential for improvements to tracking and analytics. Navigate to Analyitcs >> Insights to check it out!
With our Auto Suggest question type, as the user types in search box, the options shown are narrowed down to those that are similar to what has been typed in. Now with fuzzy match, the options shown don’t have to be an exact match with the options uploaded. This allows for typos and misremembered names to still result in the right options showing up for selection.
Previously, if a consumer provided a response in Other, the response was coming through as '-----' in the Value field in Custom properties in Klaviyo. The Value field has been updated to reflect the actual Other response that was given. For example, in the screenshot below the Other response is 'I can't remember.'
Now when you use the existing 'Extrapolation to 100%' toggle on Analytics, Response Count will be extrapolated in addition to Revenue. Extrapolation uses your response rate to model your Response Count and Revenue as if 100% of customers that viewed your question also responded to the question.
After running a 50/50 experiment with a new user interface for the consumer experience with Shopify Checkout Extensions, we saw a statistically significant +1.62% response rate lift with the new UI. We have officially rolled out the new UI to all Shopify Checkout Extension consumers!
We always aim to make it easier and more intuitive to navigate around Fairing so we made a couple enhancements to the Question Stream UI. The drag icon is always visible now, the on/off toggle has been replaced with a more intuitive Live/Paused action and the kebab menu has been replaced with an explicit 'More actions' button.
New UI
Old UI
Duplicate responses entered when setting up the Auto Suggest response list will now be automatically removed upon Save. No need to manually scroll through your existing list or try to de-dupe offline - we will take care of it now!
You can now translate your Question Stream! Fairing translations support any of the 150+ browser languages. Get started by downloading your Question Stream translation template in the account page today.
For more information, view our documentation.
Our new Question Stream Debugger tool is now live for all customers! The Debugger allows you to enter 'Test Mode' and complete your live Question Stream without logging any data to your analytics. As you go through your Question Stream, you will see a stream of events in app that will signal whether the Question Stream is working as expected or what errors are occuring. The Debugger is an exciting tool that will help streamline and speed up Fairing onboarding!
For more information, view our documentation.
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